What do you really do? That's right, you go online, either on your Pc, Mac, Tablet or Smartphone. The old media companies know this too, so to try and keep their cash cow alive they are asking advertisers to advertise on their online versions of their old medias like the online yellowpages or the digital version of their newspapers. Some newspapers even are arrogant enough to charge their online viewers a fee to read their content, thus limiting theirs and their advertisers audience. Having a newspaper or yellowpage company do your internet advertising is like asking your plumber to roof your house. The majority of these companies farm out their internet advertising programs to third party companies. So think of it, your advertising dollar goes to them, and then to another company before it makes it to the internet. Imagine how much of your advertising budget actually makes it online.
The Truth:
Regardless of what your sales person tells you, Google and Yahoo do not give "bulk rates" to these companies. There are no "Partnerships" in that form. Google adwords for example will charge you the same rate if you did it yourself or with any other company. Google rates are determined by Quality score and a number of other factors not determined by any "partnership". Now Google does have a Premier SMB Partnership (click here for video explaining) with a number of companies, this relates more towards support and training, and a company involved with this "should" be able to aid you in developing an internet marketing campaign using quality score and all the other factors helping your marketing program to cost less and be more effective, but that remains to be seen as to how well your individual rep works with you on this. Don't be fooled. Click here for video from Google regarding quality score .
The whole idea is to make sure your message is found were people are actually looking for it. Since most of todays information is transmitted via the internet, you want to be there. And where? You have Search Engines, Local Search, Blogs, Social Sites, Pay per clicks, Display Advertising, and so on to chose from.
Call us.
We will help you sort through this mess, and we will build you a web presence that will allow you to be found where people are looking for you at a budget you can afford.
(Milwaukee and Southeastern Wisconsin)
Internet Marketing for Small Businesses
Milwaukee and Southeastern Wisconin
Milwaukee and Southeastern Wisconin